In the last post, I discussed a few aspects of the cloud-native revolution which I believe have yet to reach their full potential. One of these was the topic of cloud-native application management and, more specifically, one of its central sub-topics application delivery.

The reason I find cloud-native application management in general, and the application delivery aspect of it in particular, so important is down to the potential, when done successfully, to deliver a huge amount of value to development teams in a scalable manner, that is also sustainable in the face of expanding requirements, while at the same time significantly improving developers’ experience by hiding the ‘accidental complexity’1 inherent in platform/infrastructure details.

(For more background information on the motivations and challenges of cloud-native application management, the “Declarative application management in Kubernetes” article by Brian Grant provides an excellent overview.)

As argued in the previous post, the majority of the tools and technologies currently being used in the area of application delivery have not really moved beyond the infrastructure-centricity at the root of the cloud/cloud-native revolution.

To do so would require, among other things, elevating the concept of the application itself to a prime consideration when taking engineering decisions, as well as finding the right manner of accurately defining or representing it, as opposed to the present state of affairs where ‘the application’ is typically a sort of non-concept which can at most be said to “emerge” after some set of cumulative actions but doesn’t otherwise exist in any meaningful technical sense.

In this post, I will therefore explore the idea and implications of taking an application-first approach to delivering cloud-native applications into Kubernetes-based environments by examining the three concepts of workflows, developer platforms, and application models.


One of the hallmarks of reaching the later stages of cloud-native adoption in software engineering organizations is the recognition of the importance of enabling of autonomous development teams2. In other words, there is an understanding that development teams should not have to wait for another team to perform some work on its behalf so that they can proceed with their own work; we should always be striving to enable self-service workflows3.

Despite their near-ubiquitous adoption in cloud-native teams, several popular tools and technologies in the space don’t do a very good job of enabling self-service workflows and autonomous teams.

One example of a widespread workflow technology which is holding many teams back is actually the everyday, mild-mannered CI/CD pipeline! The fact is that many CI/CD pipelines are brittle, as well as hard to maintain, version, and ‘package’/re-use, ultimately hampering many developers’ experience of using them for delivering software. Although the approach taken by GitHub Actions4 addresses some of these complaints, and the drive towards GitOps5 being spearheaded by tools like ArgoCD6 and Flux7 may help reduce the overall number of pipelines we need in the first place, others (like those behind the keptn8 project) are re-thinking the idea of transitioning through software delivery stages in a more radical way and arriving at a fundamentally different approach to application lifecycle orchestration9.

Beyond pipelines, other popular current-generation tools are similarly keeping teams from achieving more autonomy.

For example, although Helm10 represents a great step forward in terms of reducing boilerplate YAML, and addresses the common use-cases of dependency management, as well as packaging and templating to facilitate re-use, the fact that its usage is generally restricted to installation, upgrade, and deletion of Kubernetes manifests, with no inherent support for higher-level concepts or for managing infrastructure elements makes it ill-suited for an application-first approach to cloud-native application delivery.

Conversely, while Terraform11 is currently still near-omnipresent when it comes to infrastructure management, it too does not have native support for application-layer concepts and its approach to solving the problem remains a tool-based one rather than an API/control plane-based one, which limits its ability to enable truly self-service workflows.

Next, the Waypoint12 project from Hashicorp claims to represent an application-centric approach to application delivery. However, its conception of application-centric delivery is a fairly narrow one which, like CI/CD pipelines, focuses mainly on the concept of stages inherent to the process. And while it manages to avoid a few of the drawbacks of traditional pipelines, its imposition of Hashicorp’s own configuration language (HCL) renders it vulnerable to the same criticisms with respect to difficulty of re-use and unmanageable sprawl which are often levied at Terraform in complex application scenarios.

In addition to the previously mentioned flaws to the aforementioned tools or technologies—and which, in some combination, generally also apply to most other projects13 in the space—, the more fundamental gap which none of them addresses is that of giving developers a more powerful, flexible, and intuitive way to define their cloud-native application in the first place. A technical representation of the application in this manner is naturally a critical prerequisite to any application-first delivery workflow.

Taken together, these drawbacks to current-gen technologies effectively preclude them—indispensable though they still may be for various other functions—from truly enabling self-service workflows as well as from forming the cornerstone of an internal developer platform (IDP), both of which, as previously mentioned, are seen as key differentiating factors of high-performing, autonomous development teams2.

Developer platforms

The concept of internal developer platforms14 has been around for many years but has experienced renewed interest recently as a result of the increasing difficulty in managing the sheer number of components making up modern cloud-native software systems and the recognition of new possibilities being opened up by the standardization around Kubernetes as a base platform.

What exactly are internal developer platforms, though, and how do they differ from Platforms as a Service (PaaS) like Heroku, CloudFoundry, or Google App Engine?

In addition to the previously referenced article, “What I Talk About When I Talk About Platforms”, by Evan Bottcher14, and the following one by Kaspar von Grünberg (CEO at proprietary IDP vendor Humanitec): “What Is an Internal Developer Platform?”, the website also provides a useful resource here (with the important addition of calling out application configuration as an often-forgotten source of complexity).

Essentially, an internal developer platform can be thought of as a “PaaS done your way”. That is, an IDP at minimum shares the usual PaaS features of having a focus on enabling self-service developer teams, a well-defined API for building and deploying application containers, and some level of infrastructure management, but unlike a PaaS doesn’t require developer teams to force their application to fit the platform’s view of the world.

The same features that initially drove Kubernetes’ takeover of the container orchestration market—its endlessly-extensiblility and weak-opinionation compared to other options—later prompted some astute observers to remark that Kubernetes is, in fact, not (just) about containers but is rather a “platform for building platforms15, a statement which internal developer platforms could end up being the ideal example of.

So if Kubernetes is seemingly the de-facto the answer to any and all questions of platform at the moment, what are we still missing?

As alluded to in the previous section, a more natural, all-encompassing way to represent applications is still missing; Kubernetes, with its weakly-opinionated and minimal built-in API (again, generally a good thing!), doesn’t let us represent application-layer concepts in any powerful, meaningful way out of the box.

The good news, though, is that with the basic building block of Custom Resources16 we have everything we need in order to extend a Kubernetes-based platform with such application-modeling capabilities. The benefits, in terms of the improved user experience of working at the level of abstraction most intuitive to application developers (as the primary customers of any internal developer platform), are significant.

Application models

There are other, more tangible benefits to supporting application-layer concepts than just developers’ user experience, though.

Firstly, having abstractions at a higher-than-infrastructure level can help achieve platform-agnosticism, avoiding vendor lock-in and potentially having cost-saving (FinOps) implications. Secondly, having application-layer concepts helps promote clear separation of concerns and supports a team topology which many software engineering organizations may find useful (Infrastructure/Platform Engineering vs. Application Operations vs. Application Development). Additionally, having an application-first internal developer platform can have security and reliability benefits as the guardrails typically present in such platforms can prevent common misconfiguration issues.

So, do any existing Kubernetes-based projects already support the ability to intuitively represent applications?

Thus far, I am aware of at least two projects taking different approaches which are still active and which have managed to gain a a certain amount of traction in the open-source, cloud-native community: the Open Application Model17 (and its current KubeVela18 implementation), and the Crossplane19 project.

The Open Application Model (OAM), announced as a collaboration between Microsoft and Alibaba in 201920, is a spec-based approach which contains a literal Application concept, consisting of Components as well as associated Traits and Scopes.

The purely spec-driven nature of the OAM project has the advantage that it can clearly point to platform agnosticism as one of its main goals. In order to actually provide value, though, every spec still needs a real world implementation, which is the role of the related Kubernetes-based project, KubeVela.

(As an interesting aside, Microsoft contributed a previous Kubernetes implementation of OAM called Rudr21, and the developers behind Crossplane were themselves involved in a set of libraries for building Kubernetes OAM implementations22, both of which were eventually phased out in support of the KubeVela18 project.)

The Crossplane19 project, though, takes a different approach to enable representing applications, despite having originally been focused on offering a Kubernetes-native approach to infrastructure management, rather than explicitly focusing on applications.

Interestingly, as a result of Crossplane typically being associated with infrastructure management as well as the previous close involvement of Crossplane developers with OAM, use of the two projects in concert is sometimes proposed, with OAM/KubeVela for application management and Crossplane for infrastructure management23,24.

However, one of the powerful and unique features of the Crossplane project, Composite Resources and Compositions25, allows it to potentially be used for modeling and managing not just infrastructure, but entire applications. The reason for this is that, from the high-level point of view of the Crossplane control plane, there is no inherent difference between handling a Composite Resource which represents some infrastructure component(s) and one which represents some application-layer component(s). Clearly, after a certain point (i.e. once an action needs to be taken by a Kubernetes controller) the difference does become relevant, but from the point of view of the users of a Crossplane-based internal developer platform they essentially get the power and flexibility of the Composite design pattern26 implemented via the Kubernetes API! Where such an approach could truly shine would be in building large-scale, complex systems-of-systems27, where the ability to compose multiple, smaller sub-systems into the final target application would be a massive boon to managing complexity.

So, does the power of composability in Crossplane make up for the lack of built-in support for traits and scopes which OAM/KubeVela provides? To me the answer isn’t yet clear.

Regardless of whether one approach will eventually win out over the other, though, or whether both approaches will continue to synergize well with each other, or whether something entirely different emerges, I believe we all stand to benefit greatly from a continued drive toward application-first in cloud-native application delivery!
